Monday 2 November 2009

I am a Thai Graphic Designer Project

Hidden beauty can sometimes be seen only in motion.
Imagination runs wild when photographs are given live of their own.
Only those who are imaginative have the ability to cast the live upon those photographs.






"I am a Thai Graphic Designer" is a project launched especially for Thai designers and designers-to-be by a group of Thai designers at Practical Studio. Each participant was asked to create/design a landscape A3 size poster with a written sentence "I am a Thai graphic designer" either in Thai or English. My piece was designed to reflect the life of a typical designer that revolves around deadlines. That's how the calendar idea came about. As a person, I'm not much of a planner. One of my favorite mottoes is 'go with the flow' which often does not work well in the design industry as you can imagine! xD So... I still have a lot to learn on how to be more 'organized' and 'wise' in time management. Or will I ever learn!? lolllllll Time will tell.... xP

Check out some of the works at ""if you are interested. A lot of it is very..... 'extreme' lol. What I mean by that is, a lot of people don't even read the requirements -_-; They just do whatever the hell they want. To some extent, I think it's cool to be a 'rule-breaker'. Don't get me wrong, I like people who take risks and push boundaries... However, pushing boundary and crossing it are two very different things!!! -_- I honestly wanted to ask those people "would it hurt to do as they ask?!" (-oo-)

จากในรูปมีหลายคนถามว่า ไม่ได้สระผมมากี่วัน

5555+ เฮ้ย! สระแล้ว...​แต่ยีมันเพราะอยากให้ฟูต่างหาก

เห็นได้ชัดว่า ไม่เป็นผล 55555+

My senior friend gave some suggestions as to how I can pimp this work up a bit. And here we have an edited version of it. It looks different, I kinda like how each letter is very unpredictable.


I am a Thai graphic designer ฉบับปรับปรุง



เอ่อ...​ แปลกไปอีกแบบ ^^

These ones are more random xD. I designed them as a cover of my typography assignment.


"TYPE 3"



(ใครคิดขโมยสินทรัพย์ทางปัญญา!! เราขอสาปคุณ)

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